Through the years of working in church worship arts ministry, Tom has experienced working with a wide range of worship styles. Whether leading with a choir and orchestral accompaniment, or leading from a piano or keyboard with a modern worship group, Tom's desire is to bring people into the presence of the Lord. With a combination of solid musicianship and a shepherd's heart, he would love to be of assistance to your ministry.
Worship Ministry Concepts
Thoughts on Worship
Check in here periodically for insights on worship ministry, practical insights to help you be effective in ministry.
Worship Ministry Consultation
Your worship ministry may be experiencing the challenges of today’s diverse worship culture demands. Your people may need some encouragement to enable them in their development. You may need to bring clarity and direction to your ministry.
Tom is available to meet with your pastoral, elder, and worship leadership, to review the ministry and guide you in evaluating for greater effectiveness. He can be brought in to work with your worship teams, helping them improve their ministry.